Thursday, April 5, 2012

Review on "10 Bad Eating Habits Parents Often Teach their Kids"

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It is interesting enough that the title of this article states, "...parents 'teach' their kids." Though many parents don't take the time to sit and "teach" their children by stating how to consume food, instead they MODEL how to eat. Since children learn mostly from imitating and doing what their role models are doing - that is the exact process of teaching that affects children most.

However, many may not realize that children learn most from imitation and may say, "I'm eating really fast, but this is not how I wan't you do to!" Which does very little affect to the children's behavior, since they learn from doing what others do. Furthermore, parents' and teachers' eating habits may greatly influence the eating habits of children and them may not even realize it!

Reading the article made me realize the fact that our eating habits have certain consequences to them. And the consequences may not be good, especially on our children. They watch us eat and do the same exact thing.

The point I love most is showing the unhealthy eating habit of eating too fast. We, adults, seem to live life under a great pressure of time and sometimes fail to realize that. We sit our children down and expect them to eat their food, but cannot sit ourselves down because we have many other tasks to take care of. After some time, we wonder why our children aren't able to sit still at the table. Ha! It is even ironic in one perspective.

Check out other article in the left column:

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