Monday, May 21, 2012

Indiscreet, starring Gloria Swanson or Jerry is a young woman who had sexual intercourse with her boyfriend and chooses to leave him because of his unwanted behavior. She enjoys reading books and got invited to go on a date with an author of her most favorite book. While she progresses in her relationship with her new boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend starts a relationship with her little sister in another town. In fact, they decide to keep the wedding secret for a certain time.

 On to a mission of destroying the wedding, Jerry ends up in her ex-boyfriends arms again during her sister’s engagement. The truth came out that they were once lovers and Jerry’s little sister refused to marry him and Jerry lives happily with her new boyfriend as the ex-boyfriend is left single.

 The director, Leo McCarey was born in Los Angeles, California where he graduated from University of Southern California law school. He worked at Hal Roach Studios for the most time and became a vice president of production of the entire studio in 1929. In 1937 he received his first Academy Award for Directing.

 The review on this movie that was published the original year of production on May 7th, 1931 is a great way to look at the movie from the perspective of 1930’s. Written by Mordaunt Hall, the review briefly recaps the movie as well as mentions the cons and pros. Mordaunt concludes that there are some scenes that are not well photographed and that the characters change their minds too abruptly. However, overall, the movie seems to have good standing in that day.

 Another review that I found was by the Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The review gave an unappealing perspective on the movie. It described Miss Swanson’s role as “a modern girl with an old-fashioned conscience” and called her flat and unappealing. They also mention that McCarey provides scant comic relief. It was rated from adults only.

 I also found a newer review that was written in 2006. The newer review seemed to have appreciated the movie far more than any other review. It gave a perspective of an older movie from a new age. Praising Swanson and the star she was, the writer appreciates her ability to act as a hilarious and amusing character.

 I found the movie to be rather funny, which I did not expect to see. Older movies always seemed to appear to be boring and un interesting to me. However, after watching Indiscreet, seems like my views of older movies changed significantly and drove me to search older movies to watch on my free time. I think the humor of the movie is fascinating – especially at the climax of the story. Gloria Swanson is a star of that day and looks nothing like the stars of this day. She is dressed quiet appropriately and her dressing style is outstandingly different. Patrick states in his review, “Swanson’s clothes are resplendent of their outrageous glamour…”

 I couldn’t help but laugh at the words she said to her ex boyfriend, it seems like in those days, a woman was a catch that was hard to get – that is totally not the case in these days. Today we see young girls literally sit on guys’ laps without permission whereas the movie Indiscreet portrayed a significantly contrasting perspective.

 Some factors that I find very interesting in the film is that there is a certain acceptance to sexual relationships before marriage. Jerry, played by Gloria Swanson had a boyfriend who she had a sexual relationship. The Catholic Bishops’ review states that there are Sexual situations and innuendo. Also, an online review by Scott says, “…the movie also implies and acknowledges sex on several occasions…” When first watching it, I thought that Jerry only went as far as kissing – nothing more. However, throughout the movie, it is very obvious that Jerry had a sexual relationship and it seems to be very accepted by the Older Lady who she lives with – that’s a little shocking.

 I imagined older movies to be completely against sex before marriage, however, I think this movie is the opposite. I do find it very interesting, though, that on the front cover of the movie, in bold letters you can read: “HUNTED BY HER PAST SINS!” Even though this movie may somewhat acknowledge sex before marriage, it does imply that it is an embarrassing thing and that it must be a sin. This is portrayed when Jerry feels bad and wants to tell her new boyfriend about her past relationship. It is the fact that Jerry feels extremely horrible for her “mistake” and feels very bad if it remains a secret. 

Comparing to today’s time, sex before marriage is portrayed as a very “popular” or “cool” thing to do. It is hard to find a romance movie that doesn’t include kissing and sexual content. The girls in movies are ready to have a sexual relationship with a guy as soon as they get to know him and don’t feel bad about it at all! If fact, the girls in the movies are somewhat proud of it.

 I also find it very interesting on how Jerry’s little sister, Barbara is represented in the movie as a little lamb. It sort of implies that young girls are very “easy-to-get” because they don’t know a lot about love yet and are very gullible when it comes to love. Patrick, in his review mentions, “The man she dumped seeks revenge by dating Terry’s innocent younger sister.” Innocent. That is the little sister is described in the review and it is definitely exactly how she was portrayed in the movie. She was a very young girl who believed Jerry’s ex boyfriend with all her heart and couldn’t wait to marry him. Monroe, the ex-boyfriend, on the other hand, seems very selfish to act to a younger girl like that. He was willing to break the heart of a very young woman just to get his revenge.

 I think the movie needed a little more life in the beginning. Even though it fairly interesting; I think I would enjoy it more if there was more humor towards the beginning and middle of the film. There is great humor towards the end of the film and I really wish they had that all throughout the whole film. I think Hollywood over exaggerated in this movie by showing a woman who has boyfriend and is ready to dump him and move on very quickly – which may not have been the usual case back then. I enjoyed the movie.


McCarey Leo,
Mordaunt Hall, Indiscreet, May 7th, 1931
Patrick, Indiscreet,

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