Friday, March 8, 2013

Bilingualism in out Nation

Bilingualism Interview

In schools today, there are many students falling behind because teachers are not always willing to give full support to children who are in need of Language support. These are my findings in our community.

During my interviews with four adults from my community, I found things about bilingualism that I have never thought about. I learned that each adult views bilingualism differently than everyone else. I learned that some feel that bilingualism is great for multicultural understanding and brings cultures together. Bilingualism also helps communities understand each other. For example, a Spanish person understands what banks are all about, if the banks have posters in Spanish. Bilingualism also exposes the ways other cultures do things and humbles Americans. Somehow, my interviewee mentioned that bilingualism even gives more job opportunities. 

I learned that there are many approaches to languages by our community. Some said that we should just teach English to everyone and not print Spanish on everything. While others said that we should focus on teacher other languages and keeping the languages within the families. One option was to gather statistics of a particular school and discover what second language is spoken the most. Then, teach that second language in the school where there is the most second language speakers of that language. If there are a lot of Russian children in a school, teach Russian. If there are many Spanish- speaking children in a school, teach Spanish. 

I really liked interviewing adults from my community about this matter; I learned a lot by other people’s insights. I think that we should preserve languages and encourage children to talk in their home language.

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